The Importance of Forensic Evidence in Court

Forensic evidence is obtained by scientific methods to be usable in court. Specifically, physical evidence and detailed measurements collected from the scene of a crime or accident may prove to be the only evidence prosecutors will have or need if there were no witnesses.


Forensic information, for instance, can tell if a person was drunk or high when behind the wheel of a car during a fatal accident.


When a vehicle crashes and someone dies because of the crash, authorities (such as police or independent investigators) will investigate the scene and try to reconstruct it.


Police are looking for evidence of criminal activity– were they speeding, using drugs, or drunk? Independent investigators, meanwhile, are interested in figuring out the cause of the accident as it relates to liability and financial responsibility.


There’s a lot more to a crash scene than just what people see. Measurements can be taken regarding skid marks, friction values of surfaces the vehicle traveled over, vehicle weight(s),  as well as impact positions and the final resting positions. Mechanical aspects such as brakes, steering, tires and lights may also prove to be factors in the crash. Collecting and analyzing forensic evidence can ultimately help determine the outcome of a case.


4N6XPRT Systems® has developed, published, and currently offers for sale the following programs: Expert AutoStats®, 4N6XPRT StifCalcs®, 4N6XPRT BioMeknx®,  Expert Qwic Calcs®, Expert VIN DeCoder®, Expert TireStuf®, and 4N6XPRT Ped & Bike Calcs®. These programs aid accident reconstructionists and forensic examiners in applying valuable data to a court case to determine exactly what happened and who (or what) was at fault.