Accidents from Self-Driving Vehicles Could Cause Problems in the Future

Unfortunately, accidents are a way of life, which is why we provide only the best accident reconstruction software and investigation software. We’re only human after all, and must take heart in the fact that we will make mistakes, and sometimes you have to investigate these mistakes. How about robot drivers? Robots we assume are impervious… Read more »

How is Fault Determined After a Car Accident

If you ask a person involved in a vehicular accident who was at fault, they’re most likely going to say, “the other guy.” It’s human nature to want to blame things on other people. Well, accidents happen, and usually someone is at fault, but how is “fault” determined after an accident? Oftentimes people involved in… Read more »

How Do Car Insurance Companies Determine Settlements After An Accident?

  Insurance companies take into account a variety of factors to determine settlements after an accident. Chief among these factors are:   What is the nature of the property damage? Was there a personal injury involved? What are the insurance policy limits?   Typically, most accidents involve damages to a person’s vehicle, such that their… Read more »

How Accident Reconstruction Software Helps Traffic Crash Investigators

A traffic crash investigator takes a detailed look at car crashes, especially when serious injuries or fatalities have occurred. Essentially, they want to know the details of the accident. Trained to do their job well, traffic crash investigators take measurements and drag factors to determine the speed, movement and points of collision in order to… Read more »

Crash Test 1 - Target Pre-Test

What to Do After You’ve Been in a Car Accident

While you may be a bit stunned after a car accident, it’s important to rundown a checklist in your head of things to do in order to be able to be prepared for what comes next…such as dealing with the insurance specialist and/or lawyer.   First things first: stay safe. Do what you have to… Read more »

Crash Test 4 - Step2

What Can You Do To Stay Safe On A Motorcycle?

  Here at 4N6XPRT Systems, we provide accident reconstruction software that sorts through the chaos in the wake of an accident, putting together the pieces that help law enforcement and insurance analysts determine the circumstances that caused it. While an accident involving two vehicles is relatively straightforward, adding other vehicles and objects can make analyzing… Read more »

Crash Test 3 - Photo 1 - Impact

Mistakes That Could Affect the Outcome of Your Car Accident Case

You’ve been in a car accident. What are some things that could adversely affect your case?   Did you lie on your insurance application? If so, that could void your personal injury claim. Furthermore, if you deny something but the truth was caught on video, that’s bad. Keep in mind that people today have phones… Read more »

What Are the Most Prevalent Reasons Accidents Occur?

Why do accidents occur on roads and highways? Typically, crashes occur because of human error. From inexperienced drivers to drunk ones, humans are imperfect. They often go faster than the posted speed limit, ignore signals and stop signs, and don’t wear seat belts, even though they know they should.   Would you rather be in… Read more »

The Importance of Forensic Evidence in Court

Forensic evidence is obtained by scientific methods to be usable in court. Specifically, physical evidence and detailed measurements collected from the scene of a crime or accident may prove to be the only evidence prosecutors will have or need if there were no witnesses.   Forensic information, for instance, can tell if a person was… Read more »

Can Pedestrians Be At Fault if They’re Hit by a Motorist?

Can pedestrians be at fault if they’re hit by a motorist? Yes, they can, in whole or in part.   When an accident occurs, there can be two sides of the story– the driver and the pedestrian can both tell the police who they think was at fault. This information in the police report, coupled… Read more »