We’re in a very interesting time with new technology and automation quickly coming into play in our everyday lives. Just go to the grocery store and observe the use of self-checkout stations. Go to a fast food restaurant and take a look around at the self-ordering stations. This is going to be the norm, even… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
If you own an automobile, you should get to know the car’s workings. This may be helpful in emergencies and when you may want to sell the car and purchase in the future. The most convenient thing about this basic knowledge is that you will know what to do on the side of the road… Read more »
New Car Technology Could be More Confusing

New car technology keeps arising with new innovations and safer tech, but is it more confusing for people to use? You wouldn’t think it would be more confusing for people, but it is. Automated safe technology integrated into cars are causing confusing reactions to people because the cars itself aren’t quite automated, but some of… Read more »
The Best Electric Cars on the Market

As the world is constantly changing with environmental benefits and technology in cars, electric cars are becoming more popular with people. We want to take a look at a couple electric vehicles on the market and what they have to offer. Tesla Model 3 This affordable mass-market electric vehicle is the little brother to the… Read more »
Things to Keep in Your Car at All Times

You never know when something might go wrong with your car, and it could happen when you’re on the road. It’s always important to have the tools and some knowledge in case of an emergency that you may have to deal with on the road. Here is a List of Items You Should Have at… Read more »
Rolling Guard Rails Could Help Mitigate Accident Damage
Auto manufacturers, civil engineers and public interest groups are always looking for ways to make the road a safer place to drive, and recently two independent companies have developed remarkably similar technologies to improve highway safety—rolling guard rails. One of these rolling guard rail designs was created by the Australia-based KSI Global, while the other… Read more »
Accidents from Self-Driving Vehicles Could Cause Problems in the Future

Unfortunately, accidents are a way of life, which is why we provide only the best accident reconstruction software and investigation software. We’re only human after all, and must take heart in the fact that we will make mistakes, and sometimes you have to investigate these mistakes. How about robot drivers? Robots we assume are impervious… Read more »
Reconstruction Software for Pedestrian Accidents
All too often we hear on the news that a person walking down the street or bicycling along has been hit by a vehicle and died. It’s a tragic way to go, isn’t it? Friends and family want to know exactly what happened to their loved one. They want to know all the details, including… Read more »
5 Reasons to Order Expert AutoStats for Accident Investigations
Modern technology has done it again! In addition to the newest version of Expert AutoStats, your organization can soon benefit from 3D laser scanning tools. These tools improve accuracy and can help professionals investigate the cause of the accident completely. Currently, the software and the Leica Scanstation PS15 work together in synergy to… Read more »
How do most Car Accidents Occur?
Why do car accidents occur? Well, it’s typically a combination of four factors with the behavior of the driver generally being paramount. If you’ve ever received one speeding ticket, you’re not alone. By the time you get two or three in a short time period, you’ll probably end up sitting in a classroom all… Read more »