Category: Car Safety

Are Cyclists Allowed on the Road? 5 Tips for Safely Riding with Cyclists.

Can bikes ride on the road?

Many commuters enjoy switching over to their bikes in the warmer weather. Bike riding is a great way to get your exercise in for the day, and it helps reduce your carbon footprint. However, biking on the road isn’t easy, and it can be hazardous at times. Whether you’re traveling by vehicle or bike this… Read more »

4 Causes of Summer Car Accidents

Summer Car Troubles

One of the downsides of summer is the number of traffic accidents that occur. Believe it or not, there are more likely to be car crashes in the summer than in the winter. Although this may be surprising, here are some of the reasons that contribute to the increase in traffic collisions during the summer…. Read more »

Common Hazards That Cause Motor Vehicle Accidents

Car Accident Causes

One must be extremely cautious when operating a motor vehicle. Adverse driving conditions can contribute to severe accidents and injuries to those operating motor vehicles. Here is a list of some of the more common hazardous road conditions that lead to motor vehicle accidents. Driving in Inclement Weather Often, wet surfaces caused by rain or… Read more »

New Car Technology Could be More Confusing

car technology training

New car technology keeps arising with new innovations and safer tech, but is it more confusing for people to use? You wouldn’t think it would be more confusing for people, but it is. Automated safe technology integrated into cars are causing confusing reactions to people because the cars itself aren’t quite automated, but some of… Read more »

The Best Electric Cars on the Market

recharging an electric car

As the world is constantly changing with environmental benefits and technology in cars, electric cars are becoming more popular with people. We want to take a look at a couple electric vehicles on the market and what they have to offer. Tesla Model 3 This affordable mass-market electric vehicle is the little brother to the… Read more »

Tire Safety Tips You Should Never Forget

young man changing tire

The condition of your tires is extremely important to your car safety when driving. Conditions on the road vary from place to place because of weather and other circumstances. It’s never a good idea to be on the road and have car troubles, especially with you tires. Let’s take a look at some tire safety… Read more »

Motorcycle Tips for Riders and Car Drivers

motorcycle driver riding

Motorcycles are exhilarating vehicles when you get on the open road with them. They can be very dangerous as well if you don’t ride them safely and properly. Motorcyclists aren’t the only ones who need to pay attention and drive safely. The surrounding car drivers need to pay particular attention and drive cautiously on the… Read more »

Could New Car Technology Be More Distracting?

man connecting phone to the car

It’s 2019, and our digitized communication is through the roof. We are already overwhelmed with the amount of digital and social media interaction, that we aren’t paying attention to what’s important in our lives. When it comes to driving and transportation, it’s vital to be very aware of your surroundings and be attentive to the… Read more »

Why it’s Important to be a Defensive Driver

defensive driving in traffic

With new car technology, texting and driving, reckless drivers out on the open road, defensive driving is extremely important. We have heard this term before, and we’d like you to get acquainted with tips on becoming a defensive driver, so that you are not distracted on the road. Stay off your mobile device This is… Read more »