Category: Car Safety

Safest Vehicles for 2019

picture of crashed car

If you’re currently in the market for a new 2019 vehicle, there are several factors that are ultimately going to determine which car, truck, or SUV you buy. You likely want to find a vehicle that gets good gas mileage. You also want something that will fit all the members of your family. And of… Read more »

What Happens If the Accident Isn’t Your Fault?

Rear-end collisions

There are about 6 million car accidents that take place in the U.S. every year. If you’ve ever been involved in one, you know what a traumatic experience it can be. And it can be especially difficult for people to process a crash when they don’t feel as though the accident was their fault. If… Read more »

How to Prepare Your Car for Winter

car on winter road

Now that the temperature is dropping as winter inches closer, do yourself a favor and check the air pressure in your vehicle’s tires. Often times, the pressure in your tires can drop dramatically once the air outside gets colder (1 psi per 10 degrees F, so 70 degrees dropping to 30 means a 4 psi… Read more »

Limo Crash Calls for New Limo Regulations

low angle view of black limousine

Earlier this month, a tragedy took place in Schoharie, N.Y. that rocked the entire state of New York and, to a larger degree, the entire country to its core. A stretch limousine carrying a large group of people crashed, killing 20 people in the process (17 passengers, the driver, and two pedestrians.) The manager of… Read more »

Car-Safety Checklist That Takes Minutes to Complete


Planning an end-of-summer road trip? Before you pack those bags in the trunk, it pays to do a quick safety check to ensure you won’t hit any problems when you hit the road. In fact, you should get into the habit of doing one a few times a year. This quick car safety checklist takes… Read more »

Car Vibrations Cause Drowsiness

Auto Collision Impact

Drowsy driving is a serious problem that affects tens of thousands of Americans on a yearly basis. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has found that drowsy driving causes more than 70,000 accidents and about 800 deaths per year. And unfortunately, this is a problem that doesn’t seem to be getting any better over time…. Read more »

How Cars Have Actually Gotten More Dangerous

Rear End of Yaris

The vehicles on the road today should, in theory, be the safest vehicles ever manufactured. They’re jam-packed with more safety features than we could possibly list here—and automakers continue to find new ways to put even more safety features into their vehicles every single year. Yet, despite this, you could argue that vehicles are actually… Read more »

New App Helps with Car Seat Safety

Drivers Side Front of Yaris

There are millions of American adults who, unfortunately, don’t know the proper way to restrain their children in car seats. A study that was conducted by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration back in 2015 found that about 37 percent of children who fell between the ages of 4 and 7… Read more »

How You Can Avoid Potholes with New Car Tech


Potholes present a major problem for millions of American drivers every year. A study done back in 2016 revealed that pothole damage costs people about $3 billion annually. Additionally, potholes put people on high alert throughout the winter and spring and can make driving an incredibly stressful experience. But fortunately, it sounds like the pothole… Read more »

Robot Car Has the Capability to See Through Fog


While there are many people who are excited about the possibility of autonomous vehicles taking over the road one day, there are just as many who are terrified about the idea of self-driving cars populating the nation’s streets. Reason being, it’s hard to imagine these cars being able to handle certain types of conditions while… Read more »