The Leading Causes of Vehicle Accidents

Driving a vehicle is a common, everyday occurrence for millions of Americans. Unfortunately, vehicle accidents and collisions are also fairly common, affecting millions, injuring hundreds of thousands, and killing tens of thousands of people each year. If you’re a driver, you’re likely doing your best to avoid getting into a collision. However, knowing more about… Read more »

A car driving down a snow street

Which Environmental Conditions Lead to Car Accidents?

So many of the precautions we take as drivers are aimed at ensuring we don’t end up in an accident. There’s a good reason for this: car accidents affect millions of Americans each year, injuring hundreds of thousands and killing more than 30,000 annually. According to the United States Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic… Read more »

A check engine light is lit up on a dashboard

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Check Engine Light

It happens to every vehicle owner eventually. You’re driving somewhere without any indication that there’s something potentially wrong with your car when the check engine light comes on. When this happens, you shouldn’t get worked up or panic. There’s no need to pull over and call a tow truck to take your car away. But… Read more »